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For the Love of house
The essence of the human experience is profoundly individual and complex. If it is about anything common to us all, few things are as unifying and uncomplicated as the experience of joy. The simplicity of giving joy to others and the joy we create for ourselves in doing so. These emotions endure, etched into our memories with precision, long after others have faded. In these troubled times, more than ever, the marks left by joy are deep.

In this elemental truth, the accomplished house DJ emerges as a rare producer & exemplar. A creator of reciprocal joy through the skilled assembly and manipulation of a cohesive rhythmic sound. As day becomes night and then day again, potent energy fizzes across the air gap between selector and dancer. Minds meet and ideas flow freely in an exchange that is both transmission and reception - both give and take. DJ and dance-floor making their moves as one. This is soulful , Deep house & Afro house dance music at its life-altering best. This is the DJ & Producer at the top of their game. This is the joyful artistry & successfully on his Rights
Kvtizo (katiso Molefe)

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