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Moroccan Tea (feat. Omar Bouchmal & Moundir Rabeh)

Charles Stif

YHV Records
YHV555A | 2024-05-17  
In the world of music, few pieces manage to truly transport listeners to another place, enveloping them in the essence and spirit of a culture. "Moroccan Tea," produced by the internationally acclaimed Charles Stif and featuring the exceptional talents of Omar and Moundir, achieves just that. This track is not merely a song; it's an auditory voyage to the heart of Morocco, infused with the soul of its people, the warmth of its hospitality, and the richness of its traditions.

Charles Stif, a DJ with a deep affinity for Morocco's diverse culture, has ventured beyond the realms of traditional electronic music to create something truly groundbreaking. Having been profoundly inspired by his experiences in the cities of Agadir and Dahkla, Charles sought to encapsulate the serenity and kindness he encountered, elements as soothing and welcoming as Moroccan tea itself. It was this inspiration that led to the creation of "Moroccan Tea," a piece that blends ethnic and organic sounds with contemporary rhythms.

The collaboration between Charles, Omar, whom he met during his time at ISCID-CO Dunkerque, and Moundir, a native Moroccan artist, is a testament to the power of music to connect worlds. Together, they have crafted a piece that resonates with the vibrancy of Morocco, drawing upon traditional instruments and modern beats to create a sound that is both timeless and innovative.

Now residing in Dubai, Charles Stif is surrounded by a melting pot of cultures and influences, which have seeped into his music, enriching "Moroccan Tea" with a global appeal. Yet, at its core, the track remains deeply rooted in Moroccan traditions, aiming to share with the world the unparalleled beauty of Moroccan hospitality and the unifying power of its tea.

"Moroccan Tea" is more than just music; it's an experience. It's an invitation to immerse oneself in the spirit of Morocco, to feel the pulse of its cities and the warmth of its people. Charles Stif, Omar, and Moundir have not only created a song but a bridge between cultures, a celebration of heritage, and a modern tribute to the timeless tradition of sharing tea.

We are seeking partners and platforms that share our vision of a world united through music, ready to embrace "Moroccan Tea" and its message of cultural harmony and exploration. Join us in bringing this soulful journey to audiences worldwide, as we showcase the beauty of Morocco, the talent of our artists, and the universal language of music.

Producer: Charles Stif
Featuring: Omar Bouchmal & Moundir Rabeh
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Publisher: YHV Music Group
Record Label: YHV Records

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