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Sgivo Beats, Blezz, J Tyt, K2

Colossus Music
CM005 | 2024-05-03  
'No Description,' the highly anticipated single by acclaimed musician and producer, Sgivo Beats. This track marks another milestone in Sgivo's illustrious career, showcasing his exceptional talent and innovative approach to music production. Featuring J-tyt, Blezz & K2.

Sgivo Beats, a powerhouse in hip hop and R&B, draws inspiration from industry giants like Hitboy and Boi-1da to craft his dynamic sound. Named HHC Producer of the Year in 2014, he's since cemented his status at Ink Music Records, earning the HHC Collaboration of the Year Award in 2017. From Stogie T's mixtape to TV show soundtracks, Sgivo's versatility shines.

Catalog: CM005
Label: Colossus Music

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