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A Blank Canvas

Passenger 10

Enormous Tunes
ETR727BP | 2024-04-05  
In the early mornings when the painter puts a blank canvas up on the wooden tripod stand he clears his head and tries to see the world as we would want to see it. He takes up his paint brush and starts to blend colors on his fancy colorboard. A line here and colorful stain there and in no time a picture starts to come alive. Made out of thin air! Painted on A BLANK CANVAS!
How fascination is this stunning process that was part of the evolving society for the past several 100 years? If you were that skilled painter that could express and transform this talent and make a living with it, people looked up to you and you had a privileged status within the community just like a doctor or an engineer.
But let's fast forward to now, where generative AI tools are filling our canvas with digital aligned life and people are used as their masters in command to guide them in the master's financial, political or cultural advantage.
PASSENGER 10 is a real human, going by the name of Christian Beat Hirt. Born on March 7th, 1979. All music he produces is handmade and the presstexts here are written without any help of AI or writing tools. In fact, guys, I (Christian Beat Hirt) am writing this text and I am using the third person to make it look bigger than it actually is. English isn't even my mother tongue and I am aware of all the grammar mistakes I might make writing those presstexts but I am quite sure that all the messages and meanings come across quite well. So, let's humanize the world a bit because our precious nature environment is perfectly imperfect, too. And it is all we got.
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