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SELECTED. 284 | 2024-04-05  
Zen/it ft. Émilie Rachel - Ego

A new addition to the Selected. release roster, Zen/It is an incredibly talented artist and certainly one to watch for 2024. With over 10 million career streams to his name following a string of well received releases on leading labels including Spinnin Records, HEXAGON, Dharma (WMG) and Doorn Records, the in-demand producer now makes his eagerly anticipated debut on Selected. with his brand-new single ‘Ego'.
Teaming up with up-and-coming London-based vocalist Émilie Rachel, who has lent her vocal expertise to a plethora of hits on labels including Armada, Moon Harbour Recordings, Ritter Butzke and Elevate (to name a few) the two artists now join forces for the first time to deliver a captivating collaboration that sparkles from the off. Infectious vocal hooks, deep melodic basslines and syncopated drum patterns are the order of the day as Zen/it and Émilie combine to unleash an extra special record primed for the summer season.
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