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Naipotu Gnisuma EP

Stanny Abram

ARVEL003 | 2024-04-11  
Stanny Abram's latest release on AREVILO Records, the 'Naipotu Gnisuma EP,' is a sonic journey that ignites the senses and transports listeners to otherworldly realms of electronic music. With its pulsating groove and bassline, hypnotic synth melodies, and cosmic electro elements, this EP is a testament to Stanny Abram's creative genius and ability to craft captivating soundscapes.

From the moment the EP begins, the pumping groove and bassline command attention, setting the stage for an exhilarating musical experience. Stanny Abram's expertly crafted rhythm creates an infectious energy that compels listeners to move and groove, making this EP an irresistible invitation to the dancefloor.

At the core of the EP lies a hypnotic synth that weaves its spell, casting a spellbinding aura over the entire sonic landscape. The sinuous melodies intertwine with precision, enveloping listeners in a cosmic embrace and transporting them to ethereal dimensions of sound and imagination.


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