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AFRO051A | 2024-03-15  
Step into the vibrant world of "Phakama Hlubi" by Ginger Soul and Culolamazulu, where Afrobeat rhythms merge seamlessly with chill tribal vibes. This release invites listeners to immerse themselves in a fusion of lively percussion and friendly melodies that capture the essence of African musical heritage. "Phakama Hlubi" exudes a sense of warmth and camaraderie, guiding listeners on a rhythmic journey that celebrates unity and community. With its infectious energy and chill tribal atmosphere, Ginger Soul and Culolamazulu's collaboration promises to uplift spirits and ignite the dancefloor. Join the celebration and rise with "Phakama Hlubi" as it spreads joy and positivity through its lively beats and friendly melodies.

Producer: Ginger Soul, Culolamazulu
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Record Label: Afroritmo YHV Records
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