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XPR088 | 2023-08-25  
Mr. Norble Guy, a highly skilled and exceptional music producer, has made a return to the label with his impressive second EP, "Samburu Sings". The EP boasts of three breathtaking Afro House tracks that are guaranteed to leave an indelible mark on your musical soul with their unparalleled vibe.

Starting off the EP is "Nyota" - a stunning track that is bound to get you moving uncontrollably to the catchy rhythms and captivating melodies that punctuate the track. The second track "Samburu Chants" takes inspiration from the traditional chanting music of the Samburu people and presents a beautiful fusion of modern beats and ancient rhythms; a feat that perfectly reflects Mr. Noble Guy's profound talent in creating unique blends. The final track, "Silaha", is a beautifully crafted piece that will uplift your spirit and fill you with inspiration as you immerse yourself in the harmonies and rhythms of its enchanting melody.

"Samburu Sings" is a magnificent display of Mr. Norble Guy's unparalleled ability to manipulate different sounds and styles. Throughout the EP, one can hear the strong influence of the Samburu people's traditional music culture, seamlessly blended with modern beats and rhythms. This unique marriage of sounds creates an unforgettable listening experience that inspires and uplifts the soul.

Overall, "Samburu Sings" is a work of art that perfectly captures Mr. Norble Guy's passion and mastery of Afro House music. You will undoubtedly find yourself lost in the music as the tracks transport you to another world, filling your senses with the captivating sounds.

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