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Ewaso Records
EWA015 | 2023-06-23  
Ewaso Records is proud to present its latest release, the Whispers EP, by the talented producer Ed-Ward. Known for his impeccable ability to craft electronic music, Ed-Ward has carefully curated a two-track EP that showcases his unique sound and skillful production techniques.

The first track on the EP, titled "Whispers," immediately captures the listener's attention with its distinct 3-step groove and stab synth melody. Ed-Ward blends deep basslines and clean synths to create a truly mesmerizing record

The second track, "Time Zone," is a high-energy record that is perfect for the dancefloor. The afro-tech drums are prominent throughout the track, providing a driving rhythm that is sure to get people moving.

Overall, the Whispers EP is a testament to Ed-Ward's talent and his ability to create music that is both deeply emotional and highly danceable.
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