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Unnatural Versions

Various Artists

Granular Spectrum
GRNSPT016 | 2023-05-27  
"The flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane in another part of the world"... With this simple phrase we can summarize what the musical effect that we teach in this album consists of. Small actions capable of generating big changes. This idea taken from physics and the "idea of chaos" can also be applied to the field of psychology that a sound or a frequency can influence our minds.

All of us, in some way, are constantly flapping our invisible wings to imitate the effect. Let's think about it for a moment as we carefully listen to the album. Sometimes, a small change in a frequency can lead to a formidable change in our mind and way of seeing the world. in turn, it can also shape a change of mentality that flows towards progress or a positive advance.

The main model of chaos theory proposes that if we imagine two identical worlds, where the only thing that differentiates them is the occurrence of an almost insignificant variable, over time this small difference can cause both worlds to become more and more different. and more. Until it is practically impossible to determine that they were once the same.

This album brings together more than 20 Colombian born artists in order to revolutionize a movement that is in constant development from a small big action such as the contribution of a completely narrative and enveloping track.

Experimental ambient music is a unique genre that can have a profound impact on listeners. It is a style of music that is not tied to any one specific sound, rhythm, or melody. Instead, it focuses on creating an atmosphere or mood through the use of soundscapes, textures, and tones.

One way in which experimental ambient music can influence people is by inducing a sense of relaxation and calmness. The sounds used in this genre are often slow-moving and repetitive, which can help to slow down the listener's breathing and heart rate, leading to a more relaxed state of mind. This can be particularly useful for people who suffer from anxiety or stress.

Another way in which experimental ambient music can influence people is by stimulating the imagination. The abstract nature of the music can allow listeners to create their own mental images or stories that are unique to them. This can be a powerful tool for creativity and inspiration.

Furthermore, experimental ambient music can also be used to alter the listener's perception of time and space. The use of drones, loops, and other repetitive sounds can create a feeling of timelessness, where the listener loses track of time and becomes fully immersed in the music. This can be a powerful experience that can help to shift one's perspective on the world around them.

In conclusion, experimental ambient music can influence people in a variety of ways. It can induce relaxation, stimulate the imagination, and alter the listener's perception of time and space. Whether you are looking to unwind after a long day or seeking inspiration for a creative project, this genre of music has something to offer for everyone.
released April 6, 2023

Produced and Mixed by Varous Artists

Curated by Darkduction

Mastered by Andres Zuluaga

Artwork by Staticflood
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