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Club Lonely Remixes Part2

Studio Apartment, Joi Cardwell

NEBL0004 | 2020-06-12  
The second version of 'Club Lonely' remixes is released from 'N.E.O.N', the Culture Project Label which singing the praises of the dance music scene in new era Reiwa!

In this time the remix which conducted by OSAMU M and HIDEO KOBAYASHI who are the artists getting high rated evaluation not only Japan based and also overseas. Includes 4 songs in both versions.
HIDEO KOBAYASHI generating many anthems so far with the ensured skill which evidenced with extended knowledge and his long career. Salvation Mix which sounds divine and magnificent which is more deep and explosively emotional.
Moreover, Lonely Mix which existing comfortable and having pathos in simple and flowing sound.
The completion covering widely from House til Techno, we can feel deeply the sound of Hideo Kobayashi from it.
On the other hand, OSAMU M who has been playing as the front for 20 years over. Vocal Mix which generated deep sense of immersion with the sound that is holic and spectacle world.
And changing direction to more Tech, provide 2 tracks Dub Mix functioning any club all over the world.
To be familiar many type fields that is why, he can conduct the arrangement. The track is perfectly suitable to the floorsound and considered the current trend.
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